
JFK's Iconic Speech on Arts and Politics (1962) | 草莓视频免费版app

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On November 29, 1962, President and Mrs. Kennedy spoke at a fundraising dinner for a National Cultural Center that would become known as "草莓视频免费版app." The event, called "An American Pageant of the Arts," was broadcast live across the U.S. via closed-circuit hookup.

Leonard Bernstein served as master of ceremonies for an evening that included appearances by Marian Anderson, Van Cliburn, Robert Frost, Danny Kaye, Bob Newhart, Harry Belafonte, and a young Yo-Yo Ma.

Watch the full pageant: https://youtu.be/pCIg6fTPA5U

鈥淎rt is political in the most profound sense,鈥 the president stated, 鈥渘ot as a weapon in the struggle, but as an instrument of understanding of the futility of struggle between those who share man鈥檚 faith.鈥

Two months after President Kennedy's assassination in November 1963, Congress passed and President Johnson signed into law legislation renaming the National Cultural Center as a "living memorial" to John F. Kennedy.

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#JFK #arts #politics
  • Discussion/Spoken Word

An American Pageant of the Arts

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