
Impactful Connections

Impactful Connections, a new partnership with the District of Columbia Public Libraries, focuses on creating access through transportation for D.C. residents to experience free local, national, and international arts and culture programming at the Kennedy Center. Impactful Connections is a free shuttle program in partnership with the District of Columbia Public Libraries, focusing on creating access to Social Impact programming at the Kennedy Center. This program will lessen the barrier of getting to the Kennedy Center by providing transportation to and from the Center, making it easier for DC residents to attend free Millennium Stage performances. Through its reach, Impactful Connections will provide another opportunity for DC residents to experience local, national, and international arts and culture at the Kennedy Center. Impactful Connections spans twelve participating District of Columbia Public Libraries across all four quadrants of the city.

²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵÃâ·Ñ°æapp is busing D.C. residents to shows for free

²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵÃâ·Ñ°æapp is busing D.C. residents to shows for free