

Around the world, people of all ages have joined Mo Willems in his studio for weekday LUNCH DOODLES. The three-week run, all 15 episodes and their downloadable activities, are archived below. Let the doodling continue! Please tag your artwork on social media with #MoLunchDoodles so that we can all see it!

Check Out these Incredible DOODLES!

Email Us!

Send the Kennedy Center your drawings and questions for Mo! 

Kids: work with your parents to email us at:

Parents/Guardians – you acknowledge that all submissions become the property of the Kennedy Center and may be shared publicly, along with any identifying information you provide, possibly including your child’s photo, name, age, and your state of residence, as part of a future LUNCH DOODLE, or otherwise in online, printed, and on-site communications about the Kennedy Center’s educational and artistic mission, communication with funders, and otherwise in Kennedy Center’s sole discretion.

If you would like send Mo mail, please use this address. We cannot guarantee that Mo will be able to personally respond to each of your letters, but every effort will be made to have each letter acknowledged by a reply.

Mo Willems Fan Mail
Hyperion Books for Children
125 West End Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10023

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Kennedy Center Education

Generous support for educational programs at the Kennedy Center is provided by the U.S. Department of Education.

Gifts and grants to educational programs at the Kennedy Center are provided by The Paul M. Angell Family Foundation; Bank of America; Capital One; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; Carnegie Corporation of New York; The Ednah Root Foundation; Harman Family Foundation; William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust; the Kimsey Endowment; The Kiplinger Foundation; Laird Norton Family Foundation; Lois and Richard England Family Foundation; Dr. Gary Mather and Ms. Christina Co Mather; The Markow Totevy Foundation; Dr. Gerald and Paula McNichols Foundation; The Morningstar Foundation; Myra and Leura Younker Endowment Fund; The Irene Pollin Audience Development and Community Engagement Initiatives;

Prince Charitable Trusts; Dr. Deborah Rose and Dr. Jan A. J. Stolwijk; Rosemary Kennedy Education Fund; The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates; The Victory Foundation; The Volgenau Foundation; Volkswagen Group of America; Jackie Washington; GRoW @ Annenberg and Gregory Annenberg Weingarten and Family; Wells Fargo; and generous contributors to the Abe Fortas Memorial Fund and by a major gift to the fund from the late Carolyn E. Agger, widow of Abe Fortas. Additional support is provided by the National Committee for the Performing Arts..

The content of these programs may have been developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education but does not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education. You should not assume endorsement by the federal government.