
Jeffrey Kānekaiwilani Takamine

Jeffrey Kānekaiwilani Takamine graduated as Kumu hula through the ‘uniki rituals of hula from Vicky Holt Takamine in 2007. The youngest of her three sons, Jeff has been chanting since the age of three. While constantly immersed in the hula lifestyle since birth, he formally began classes at the age of 14, began dancing professionally at 16, and has assisted his mother with teaching since he was 17. Recognized early on as a fine chanter, he was invited to participate in the State Foundation of Hawaiian Culture and Arts’ Folk Arts Apprenticeship program to study oli with master chanter and Kumu hula Kalani Akana. While primarily under the tutelage of his mother, Kumu Vicky, he has had the opportunity to study in various settings with other Kumu Hula such as Pat Namaka Bacon, Robert Cazimero, John Kaimikaua, and John Keola Lake. In addition, he has participated in numerous international cultural exchange programs through the University of Hawaii. Over the years, Jeffrey has established a reputation of creativity with a unique style of teaching and is acknowledged by members of the hula community to be a hula authority of the next generation. He has been conducting his own classes under Pua Aliʻi ‘Ilima. Jeffrey is the Artistic Director of PA‘I Foundation.