"A Way Forward" follows a Mexican family of three generations who grapple with polarized ideas on how to save their business from the threat of foreclosure. The stress of the situation brings out hidden family dynamics that reveal both their flaws and passion. Will they be able to get through their crisis?
"A Way Forward" was performed on January 19th, 2024, in the Terrace Theater of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts as part of the The American Opera Initiative.
"A Way Forward"
Composer: Laura Jobin-Acosta
Librettist: JosĂ© Alba RodrĂguez
Julia: Kresley Figueroa
Helena: Winona Martin
Gabriel: Sergio MartĂnez
The American Opera Initiative is a comprehensive commissioning program founded in January 2012 by the Washington National Opera. The Initiative was created to stimulate, enrich, and ensure the future of contemporary American opera by providing talented emerging composers and librettists with mentorship and opportunities to write for the stage.
Thank you to our American Opera Initiative Sponsor
Denise Littlefield Sobel
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