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Special Education & the Arts

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, arts educators are doing their best to teach all students from a distance. We hope that you will find these resources helpful when working with students with special needs.

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Related Resources

Article Lesson Plans for Remote Teaching

We've curated this special selection of our lesson plans by grade level, all of which can be easily adapted for remote teaching and learning. Use the "Print Lesson" button to save and modify the lessons for your own.

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Article Teaching Online

Just getting started or looking for new ideas and approaches. We've got you covered with our curated list of articles, tools, and technologies.

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Article Arts Education Resources

We have created this list in order to support teachers looking for Arts Integration and Arts Education resources online.

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Article Resources for Caregivers

This collection is intended specifically for caregivers in search of helpful resources and tools to help kids learn at home.

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Kennedy Center Education

Generous support for educational programs at the Kennedy Center is provided by the U.S. Department of Education.

Gifts and grants to educational programs at the Kennedy Center are provided by The Paul M. Angell Family Foundation; Bank of America; Capital One; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; Carnegie Corporation of New York; The Ednah Root Foundation; Harman Family Foundation; William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust; the Kimsey Endowment; The Kiplinger Foundation; Laird Norton Family Foundation; Lois and Richard England Family Foundation; Dr. Gary Mather and Ms. Christina Co Mather; The Markow Totevy Foundation; Dr. Gerald and Paula McNichols Foundation; The Morningstar Foundation; Myra and Leura Younker Endowment Fund; The Irene Pollin Audience Development and Community Engagement Initiatives;

Prince Charitable Trusts; Dr. Deborah Rose and Dr. Jan A. J. Stolwijk; Rosemary Kennedy Education Fund; The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates; The Victory Foundation; The Volgenau Foundation; Volkswagen Group of America; Jackie Washington; GRoW @ Annenberg and Gregory Annenberg Weingarten and Family; Wells Fargo; and generous contributors to the Abe Fortas Memorial Fund and by a major gift to the fund from the late Carolyn E. Agger, widow of Abe Fortas. Additional support is provided by the National Committee for the Performing Arts..

The content of these programs may have been developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education but does not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education. You should not assume endorsement by the federal government.