
Audrey Carolina Sosa

Audrey Sosa served as the Friends Volunteer Advisory Committee Chairman for the Kennedy Center for three year and now is serving as Co Chairman of the Friends Outreach Committee. Born and raised in Venezuela, Mrs. Sosa is a Psychologist from the Central University of Venezuela and after finishing her major she pursued a Diploma in Industrial Psychology and Human Resources Management at the University of Concordia, in Montreal, Canada. She joined the Venezuelan National Telephone Co. (Verizon Subsidiary) in 2005, and worked as Organizational Development Consultant. She is currently in charge of the Jewelry Design Program at The Patricia Sitar Arts Center devoted to provide multidisciplinary art education to the children and youth of Washington, DC.

Fostering personal and artistic growth through the visual arts, music, drama, dance, digital art, the Center offers after-school, weekend and summer classes to more than 800 students a year, 80 percent of whom come from low-income households; more than 120 talented artists volunteer their time each week to teach and inspire the Center’s students in a state-of-the-art facility. Mrs. Sosa was invited by Radio Maria US, a Catholic Radio Station, to participate as guest psychologist in a Spanish-language program aired to more than ten US States on Sundays mornings during 2013 -2014, to support and improved the live of Latin American Families. Currently, she and her dear husband and daughter lives in Alexandria, VA.