
John T. Butler

John T. Butler is Vice President of Development and Mission Advancement for Trinity Missions, a Catholic Congregation of missionaries working among the poor and abandoned across the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Haiti, and Colombia. Trinity Missions priests, Brothers, and volunteers work in the heart of economically depressed areas, on Native American reservations, in tropical rain forests, in migrant farm communities, and in isolated towns of the Deep South bringing hope, comfort, and relief to the suffering of the poor, the abandoned, and the most neglected in the world.

John holds a B.A in Political Science from St. Michael’s College; a M.Ed. in Guidance and Counseling from Howard University. Additionally, he completed Master of Theological Studies Course Work at the Theological Union and has a Certificate in Group Work and Group Psychotherapy from the Center for Group Studies, Psychiatric Institute of Washington. John is also qualified by Type Resources to administer the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and is credentialed by CFRE International as a Certified Fund Raising Executive.