
Samuel Blair Contrabassoon

Samuel began studying the bassoon at the age of 11 in Frisco, TX. He received his Bachelor of Music degree in 2007 from Southern Methodist University and his Master of Music degree in 2009 from the Yale School of Music.  During this period, he studied with Dallas Symphony Orchestra principal bassoonist Wilfred Roberts and Orpheus Chamber Orchestra principal bassoonist Frank Morelli.  Samuel has attended the Spoleto U.S.A., Sarasota, Round Top, and National Repertory Orchestra summer festivals, and has performed with the Verbier Festival Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra in Switzerland from 2009-2015.  Samuel travelled to Malaysia on three separate occasions in 2009-2010 to do an extended trial for the co-principal position with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra.  In the spring of 2011, he participated in the YouTube Symphony Orchestra in Sydney, Australia. During his second season as a bassoon fellow with the New World Symphony in Miami Beach, FL, Samuel performed the Mozart bassoon concerto as a NWS Concerto Competition Winner.  He is currently the Contrabassoonist/Utility bassoonist with the Washington National Opera Orchestra at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.