National Committee for the Performing Arts
The National Committee for the Performing Arts is the permanent, non-partisan advisory board of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The group is comprised of business, cultural, and political leaders from across America who are supporters of the performing arts. NCPA members serve as ambassadors for the Kennedy Center in their home communities, and are instrumental in spreading the Center’s artistic and educational vision across the country.
Rene Augustine, Maryland
Joel Kanter, District of Columbia
Executive Committee
Michelle Book, Executive Committee Chair, Iowa
L. Patrick Chauvin, Nominating & Membership Chair, Louisiana
Frances Lindner, Treasurer, Ohio
Jeffrey Miller, Education Chair, Virginia
Tricia Stone, Special Events Chair, Massachusetts
Ex-Officio Positions
Lark McCarthy, Former Chair, Nevada
John Dunnan, Former Chair, South Carolina
Kim Lawrie, Former Chair, Florida
Amy Baier, District of Columbia
Susan Bakke, Wisconsin
Mary-Randolph Ballinger, Missouri
Diane Ballweg, Wisconsin
Billie T. Barnett, Oklahoma
Clara Belden, Tennessee
Grace Bender, District of Columbia
Robert L. Bodansky, District of Columbia
Sandra N. Bosley, Idaho
Anne Marie Bratton, Texas
Nancy B. Bryant, District of Columbia
Mark Burns, Georgia
Sheila Challey, North Dakota
Natalie Clark, Wyoming
Kim Cullum, Arizona
Loretta M. Downey, Maryland
Carol S. Farmer, Kentucky
A.J. Fechter, Maryland
Nina Fialkow, Massachusetts
Missy Fisher, Texas
Mary Galvin, Illinois
Roger Gault, Texas
Chet Gougis, Illinois
Lola Green, California
Betsy Sley Grossman, Maryland
Shirley Powell Gustafson, Virginia
Kim Haber, Ohio
Donna S. Hall, Kentucky
Taylor Hanex, New York
David Hantman, Maryland
Linda Harding, Arkansas
Heather Johnson, Maryland
Leana Katz, Maryland
Anne Kline, Virginia
Jenny Jones, California
Chris LeRoy, District of Columbia
Victoria McNeil Le Vine, Pennsylvania
Carol Jean Lovette-Young, Maryland
Marie Mattson, Virginia
Rose McElrath-Slade, Ohio
Kathleen McKenna, Virginia
Dawn G. Meiners, Illinois
Wendy Stark Morrissey, California
Georgeanne Gould Moss, New Jersey
Al Mottur, District of Columbia
Noelle Nikpour, Arkansas
Robert B. Ourisman, District of Columbia
Anna Palmer, District of Columbia
Robert Pence, District of Columbia
Phillips S. Peter, Maryland
Linda Phelps, Virginia
Marcia Price, Utah
Barrye Price, Virginia
Fran Prolman, Virginia
Peggy Pyle, Wisconsin
Kristin G. Replogle, North Carolina
Kelly Ripken, Maryland
Jean E. Rolles, Hawaii
Linda M. Rosecan, Virginia
Linda Bernstein Rubin, California
Derace L. Schaffer, Florida
Rhonda Sheakley, Ohio
Liz Lavette Shorb, Maryland
Kim Sinatra, Nevada
D. David Slosburg, Nebraska
Bunnie Smith, Florida
Susie Trees, Massachusetts
Yvonne P. Vinton, Delaware
Mimi Walsh, New Jersey
Phyllis Washington, Montana
Deborah White, Maryland
Howard Woolley, Maryland