Online donation temporarily unavailable
Due to technical difficulties, our online donation form is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We encourage you to consider alternate ways of donating:
- To join or renew as a Member, please visit our Membership page.
- Learn more about all the ways you can support the Kennedy Center.
- Consider an add-on donation when purchasing tickets.
- Please call our Membership number at (202) 416-8310 to make donations over the phone during the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
As a non-profit institution, the Kennedy Center is reliant on donations to fulfill our mission as the National Cultural Center.
Support Appropriations 50/50
Why we need your support...
Since 1971, the Kennedy Center has served as President Kennedy’s living memorial, working to fulfill his vision to connect more Americans to the arts—and we need your support.
Any federal appropriations we receive can only be used for the maintenance and operation of the building. This means each year we must raise more than $80 million to support the performances, programming, and educational opportunities that bring the arts to millions of people here in DC and around the world. It is only because of supporters like you that the Kennedy Center is able to provide the educational resources, digital content, and performances that make the arts come alive!